A typhoon is accompanied by various weather changes around it.
(1) The hourly rain and wind barb
Typhoons account for a high proportion of natural disasters in Korea. Because typhoon damage is caused in large part by precipitation and strong winds, checking the precipitation and wind speed of typhoons is especially important. Strong winds and precipitation are expected near the eye of the typhoon. The typhoon is also expected to change the direction of the wind in the surrounding area.
Precipitation appears as a cumulative value at ncl, so you must subtract the previous value to obtain hourly precipitation.
u is a horizontal wind and v is represented by a vertical wind. Precipitation will be shown through contours and windbarb to indicate both speed and direction.
(2) The hourly rain and Sea level pressure
The most basic thing in analyzing weather is to draw and analyze lines that connect the same air pressure, or isometric pressure lines, on the weather chart. Also, atmospheric pressure during typhoon development is an important factor, so it will be represented with hourly precipitation. We will analyze how precipitation and sea level pressure change per hour with the development of typhoons.
(3) Temperature at 850 hpa
The change in temperature at 850 hPa is useful in determining the development of the weather front and the tendency of movement in cold and warm regions. The center of temperature change at 850 hPa is particularly consistent with the direction of movement of low pressure with cold fronts. Therefore, observing temperatures of 850 hPa is expected to cause active temperature changes with the development of the typhoon.
(4) The Change of Mean Precipitation in Korea
Because typhoons receive steam from warm seas, and then pass through relatively cold upper regions, there is a high possibility that the storm drops the rain. So, we are going to see how the mean precipitation in Korea changes over time.
First, choose the index including Korean Peninsular, and make the mean value over these coordinate indexes. And then, draw a time series graph.
(5) The Change of Mean Wind Velocity in Korea
The most important and typical characteristics of typhoon are high wind velocity and low pressure. So, we are going to see how wind velocity and pressure change in Korea through time with BAVI approaching Korea.
First, choose latitude and longitude indexes including Korean Peninsular, as small as possible, and make mean values over these coordinate indexes. And then, draw a time series graph. Here, we will add a sea level pressure plot for we see whether the velocity change is related to the typhoon approaching. It is because we can identify if a typhoon is coming or not by its low pressure
(6) The Time Series Graph of Temperature & SLP Change at the Eye of Typhoon BAVI
Because typhoons obtain energy from SST to grow and move northward, the intensity of typhoons and SST are closely related. Therefore, in order to determine the effect of the SST on a typhoon, first we are going to represent the central temperature of the typhoon BAVI on the ground as a time series graph.
Supposing that the temperature of the air at the lowest altitude is similar to the temperature of warm seawater, the temperature change in the lowest layer is graphed instead of the SST.
In addition, the SLP change at the center of the typhoon will be also intended to be a time series graph to confirm the development of the typhoon BAVI.
(7) The Vertical Relative Humidity Change
Because one of the characteristics of typhoons is that they usually grow by water vapor supply, the amount of water vapor is also an important measurement of typhoon growth. Therefore, we will identify the occurrence and growth process of BAVI by representing changes in the vertical relative humidity over time. When we conduct experiments on the vertical cross section of the typhoon itself, we will all go through a similar process as below.
First, find the coordinates of the minimum SLP for each hour, and consider these coordinates as the center of the typhoon.
Second, obtain a vertical section parallel to the latitude or longitude line. We set the distance from the center(minimum SLP index) as plus&minus 15 grid points. The 32 bottom_top layers will be represented on these cross sections.
Finally, the vertical relative humidity(variables) distribution will be shown above the plane.
(8) The Vertical Wind Distribution of BAVI
Although the horizontal scale of a typhoon is much larger than its vertical scale, vertical distribution of wind is an interesting topic. You may know that the wind velocity is most high near to center, and decreases by distance from the center. So, we will test whether it is true that the distribution of wind is like above, and adding with, how the vertical distribution of wind looks like.
(9) The Vertical Temperature Distribution of BAVI
Before deciding how to analyze BAVI, our team checked the T2 variable with ncview to see if the data compile was done properly. Surprisingly, we were able to identify where the typhoon was only by temperature distribution. Looking at this, we thought it would be interesting to observe the temperature of the typhoon itself.